Wednesday, May 5, 2010

carpe diem

i stumbled upon this calendar. a simple one. it was just a 12x31 grid. the realization below it just gave me the urgency for a 'carpe diem.'

365 squares out of the 372 squares on this grid made up the whole year. each day you shade one square out. simple. but then you realize that that one day, you shaded it out forever. a day you can never get back. 24 hours you will never be able to live through again.

i know haven't lived each day with the urgency to make the most out of every passing second. in fact, i saw that calendar a few weeks ago. and yet, i have found myself on the sofa. pressing the stumble button out of sheer boredom. what makes it worse is that i am in EUROPE. i personally don't know how to classify a day as 'made-the-most-out-of' but i do hope to keep trying. i certainly won't be getting the 8+months i've spent here back. but i can learn from the fact that i missed out on days when i chose to curl up in bed rather than do something more productive/creative!

i'll be starting my birthday trip. oslo, barcelona, madrid, malta. let's hope time stops somewhere in between the trip. allowing me to step back and make up for my lazy days.

some graffiti in prague. the picture above is no way related to the post. i tried but no. haha. time-bomb. yeah, well, a grenade is a bomb, right?

goes and wanders

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