a lot of things to look forward to this year...
especially this one...
more on this later... |
but first, to make up for lost time, let me run down what has happened since my last post.
- my thesis/final project, which took most of my time in the last year concluded really well. i got funding from the Doreen Gamboa Fernandez Xtreme Fellowship Awards(which i mentioned in my last post), was asked to present to the incoming seniors, and got an A for it too. Local-eyes, Travel Guide for the young and the restless is the title of my output and it's a pocket-sized map/guide to Metro Manila, focusing on the train lines and the sights which are accessible in each station as well as tips and info about the Filipino way of life. The travels I made all over and the maps I collected all throughout these trips really helped me in completing the project! Check out local-eyes.tumblr.com to see a few of the write-ups i made for some sights in Manila. i have yet to update the map/guide and start selling it though!
Screen cap of the Awarding of the DGF Xtreme Awards |
My collection of maps |
- next up is Tea by DSO: im working with the mom of my friend, mirei, taking pictures, making posters and starting this Tea line with her and another friend, ia. I got to make different flavors of tea! It was fun being the 'nose' and mixing all these leaves, making sure nothing is too strong or too weak and getting them just right, at least for us. check them out at teabydso.tumblr.com
the invite i made for the tea party |
- then, there's also the necktie line that i'm developing under DSO too...which will eventually open up to a whole men's line, im hoping. aligned with her advocacy for indigenous fabrics, the ties im designing are making use of various patterns from different tribes in the philippines and putting a modern twist to them by turning them into ties. the products are still under a lot of discussion as to how they'll be marketed out there! just to be safe from the perils of the SM stores and other bigwigs out there, i'll refrain from posting pics.
- and then i graduated too! the 6 years of being a college student: 4 years and a semester in the Ateneo and a year in Italy will surely be missed so the next mission is to find a master's degree somewhere and enjoy the life of being a student once again! ha! that is if im lucky enough to get another grant!
- ive had a handful of Couchsurfing guests too!
- in travelling department, not so much has happened although i was just in Suguicay island in Mindoro, the island owned by DSO for the holy week and it was just awesome. Imagine that, owning an island! we're planning to create some kind of artist's village/camp wherein we could transform the island into a hub for creativity in collaboration with the locals and nature!
830pm...check the stars out! |
timer |
- CISV! im bringing four eleven-year-olds to an international camp in Sau Paolo, Brazil in July! for 35 days, ill be with this group of kids who i've gotten to know through our super saturdays since february! exciting stuuuuff! though, im seriously scared too...huge responsibility to take care of four kids!
Well, that's it. Just so it's written down somewhere...since, there'll be some travelling happening in the next few months, expect to see more posts!
goes and wanders
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