day before, i was riding a bicycle by the shore of Barcelona. you can't imagine how much excitement was going through me. all the vibes were just so good. i kept thinking if it was really happening that im just there riding a bike like i was a local. i can't promote this enough, Couchsurfing is just the best way to travel. i would have been stuck with them tourists in a hostel if it weren't for Luis and Kevin.
i watched Luis teach Roman how to windsurf. met Kevin, my other host at the port. laid down on the beach. ate some magnum gold. biked around. etc.
after, went back to the port. rode back to the center with Luis and stopped for some very good tapas and cava. the place was just as i imagined Spain. packed and everyone was just having fun. then we moved to another bar with mostly just locals. drank wine from a chato(sp?) and ate some fried fish. had a good chat with Luis about passions, life and all that. being all serious with me turning twenty two by midnight. then we left again to go biking and see some sights. las ramblas, placa real. catedral. etc. it was just great.
by midnight, we were on our way home. i was helping Luis pick up some junk people usually leave out on mondays. things that are actually still very useful! i wish we had the same back home. all these materials to build stuff. Luis was planning on making stuff out for his van. make it more homey. so yeah, turned twenty two doing that. haha.
the next day, my actual birthday. woke up and decided to go and actually be a tourist and visit some sights. went straight to parc guell and then to sagrada familia. they were worth the trip. just those two im set for coming back to barcelona. haha. who am i kidding, just with the beach, im set to return. but, truly, Gaudi really is an imaginative guy. the designs of those places were just like something out of a tim burton movie. i couldnt help but think as well how much support he got to be able to have the artistic licence to design a whole park and church. have to research more on this guy though...
anyway, after sagrada. rode the metro back to rocafort and met Luis back at the flat to get the bike and go to Port Olympico again. we talked about SAILING the night before. so we did. what a birthday gift. from someone who i haven't even spent five days with. i cant thank this guy enough really.
this was the same model as the one we used. can't upload photos yet!
after, he went windsurfing again and i explored with the bike again. went back to the port and headed home to cook paella. the day just kept getting better. regalo! an authentic spanish meal, sailing...and last night, i spent the night at Kevin's, in his YACHT. this birthday has been the best. no doubt about that.
again, ive been babbling and rambling on and on. i dont even have the patience to read what ive typed. im sure its shit but there just so many things i want to record on this blog about this experience...last year, how i spent my birthday, it was me and dave sleeping on the floor of the night train from Shanghai to Beijing. this year, learning sailing, sleeping on a yacht, biking around Barcelona. how can i beat this next year.
im still on the yacht now and will leave for madrid tonight. but summarizing this post,
SAILING, PAELLA, SLEEPING ON A BOAT...creaming my pants in excitement...
goes and wanders
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