Friday, May 28, 2010


so i haven't been updating yet again.
i have been so lazy. every time a trip ends, i go and just sink into the sofa and be as productive as one can be on a sofa. my room is a mess. all the leftover stuff from my neighbors are still overflowing and is also creating mess on the kitchen counter.

anyway, so i have 14 as of Malta. i have 12 patches with me now! i dunno why but i just decided to collect them when i was in Stockholm, so i missed buying France, one country i havent returned to. i also missed buying one in Amsterdam. Good thing these countries are worth going back to. imagine if i missed Slovakia. haha. I'm too harsh on Bratislava. I'm sure it has more to offer.

ill follow up an entry for the trips. azure window and dolphin show at mediteraneo

i have a some papers to write for Uni. and maybe i'll pop in for the french exam of Fran just to have an extra grade. it's all basic anyway. of course, i have been putting off starting the damned thing until i really have to do so! i havent even been going to class anymore!

i told you how i loved barcelona, right? well, i do. and since i love it so much, i booked a flight again to barcelona! ill be there for a week this time. i need to learn another language and that is Catalan! ill be so swamped if i actually do what i want when i get back to the phils.(learn German, Spanish, Catalan, Swedish, add to my knowledge of Italian)

i went to the beach the other day when miriam came back to padova! it was nice! the weather was perfect and it added to my tan from Oslo, Barcelona and Malta. now, im back to being my usual color. which will be more on my next trip.

Jesolo beach with friends

i also met Tonyo, Lee and Anton in Venice. They seemed exhausted from their trip. understandably. the tour theyre doing has them on a bus and a day in each of the cities. im not sure if its worth it for me but they seem to be enjoying it! the long bus rides do take its toll somehow. Gio was supposed to be there too but he had to leave half of the trip when he was in Rome for some interview for law school! such a waste of money! oh well. i felt i needed to show them around but they were in that condition so all we did was chill by the grand canal and drink some wine and beer. good vibes.
by the grand canal

well, so thats what's been happening. weather is so much better and the days are getting longer and longer. sometimes, it actually is too hot.

goes and wanders

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