Friday, June 11, 2010


i have been following thesartorialist for years...officially with this blog, just a few months ago...but yeah, i knew the blog existed way before this travel blog was born...i was a GQ follower and always looked forward to his columns. then one day when i was updating this blog in barcelona, i saw his update that he's coming to Barcelona! spent the last hours in Bcn in Santa Eulalia in Passeig de Gracia waiting for him....the wait which i initially calculated to be 30 mins became 6 hours. i came in and asked if i can just leave my luggage til he came. the people there already got familiar with my face coming in and out of the store, checking if he'd arrived... this lady down here is supposedly some bigshot in the Spanish scene...she took my picture when i went inside the store! i was talking to her and i told her i liked her outfit, it was some Annie Hall-ish get up and she told me she liked mine! then she started asking why i was in bcn, etc...Mahala Almazora, i think her name is...i wonder where my picture will be in though. haha. let's hope mr.schuman decides to grab it off her! cross your fingers for me!

i had met the owner of the store, Luis Sans...he's like the 4th generation of his family to take control of the store, a fact i just knew a few minutes ago when i checked the history of the store in Luis was the one who introduced me personally to Scott when he arrived and gave me a free copy of Scott's book for it to be signed...all this time, i was very excited but at the same time nervous of not catching my flight...i had already let one bus go since i figured i can wait a few more minutes and i am glad i did.

goes and wanders

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