40 Signs You’re a True Traveler
You won’t find many people in the world that downright dislike traveling, but there are many of us that can admit that we are “travel obsessed”. We spend our entire days thinking about travel, traveling, and travel-related things. Travel is our life, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Here is a list of 40 signs that you too, might be travel obsessed, or a True Traveler.
1. Instead of spending all of your money on that new phone, clothes, or big screen TV, you save it all for a plane ticket.
2. You wonder why people are always saying that they want to travel, but never do.
3. You get really irritated when friends “travel” to all inclusive resort hotels, and post hundreds of photos of themselves on the beach.
4. When you’re at home you include the currency in your prices, even though it’s obvious. Example: “I paid $40 Canadian for…”
5. You are always counting down to your next trip. Otherwise you are planning another one.
6. You often plan trips that you never take.
7. You’ve slept in more hostels than you can count on your fingers. And toes.
8. Your passport is scruffy and has stamps on every page. Renewed passports look too clean to touch.
9. You suffer reverse-culture shock. You feel more out of place when you return home, than you did while traveling.
10. When someone asks how many countries you’ve been to, you actually have to take a moment to count.
11. You refer to cities by their airport codes.
12. You hardly ever get lost, and when you do, you have no problem asking a local for help.
13. You use a beach towel for showering.
14. You spend all day reading travels blogs, and probably have one of your own.
15. You feel obligated to be friends with the other Canadian (or whatever your nationality) while traveling, even though you might not be while at home.
16. Your phone is full of geography and travel apps.
17. You have a subscription to both National Geographic, and National Geographic Traveler.
18. When you meet someone new, your first question is “where are you from?”
19. When you’re actually at home, most of your belongings spend their time in suitcases or boxes, because you never really unpack.
20. You can make take-out last for days.
21. You’ve spent more than one month in a foreign country. Alone.
22. You know about global disasters within minutes of the incident.
23. You have spent at least one night sleeping outdoors, somewhere.
24. When you ask someone for their address, you don’t mean e-mail. Postcards are the best.
25. Your New Year’s Resolutions always resemble a bucket list; listing off countries that you want to visit.
26. You commonly start sentences with, “My friend from ________ [insert country]…”
27. You commonly start sentences with. “This one time in ________ [insert city]…”
28. Your friends from home roll their eyes each time you come up with new travel plans.
29. Your permanent address is still your parents’ house, because you’re never in one place for long enough.
30. Your walls are covered in maps and photos of places that you’ve been, or would love to go.
31. You have a box full of souvenirs, trinkets, memories and random items from abroad. You keep everything from seashells to bus tickets, and beer caps to candy wrappers.
32. You have a map of the world tattooed somewhere on your body.
33. You have multiple currencies in your wallet right now.
34. You know that couch surfing has nothing to do with the ocean. Usually.
35. Your unborn children already have a bucket list.
36. You’ve taken a plane, followed by a bus, before a train, and then another bus, before a long walk and a second train and a cab.
37. You only watch TV for the travel channel.
38. If you haven’t traveled in too long, you get anxious.
39. When someone asks what your biggest passion is, you answer “travel”, without a second thought.
40. You’re named after a city :p
10, i actually try to keep count but sometimes, i do forget. haha
18, hey, i actually do that!
19, this is very true. even though id really want to rid my place of all the clutter, there's this need to keep an emergency bag for those random trips
21, try, a year.
23, too many to count. airports, train stations, dilapidated and under construction houses, etc.
25,26,27,28, all true in my case
30, been planning to do that. just too expensive to print out my pics!
32, id get that tattoo if i did decide to get one
34, yeah, ive gotten a lot of quizzical looks because of the mention of that
35, this made me laugh. maybe i will make one for them now.
36, i mostly walk though. matter of preference. :)
38 and 39...very true for me
link to where i got this
goes and wanders
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