past days:
i finished my exams for the first semester a week ago. 3 in total. i got two perfect scores and one passing mark. studying here makes me appreciate the homeworks, long tests and quizzes that are given in Ateneo. one time, big time is the case here. well, to each his own.

and then, decided to spend a night in Milan to avail of the last week of Sales. Slept over at Antonio's with Francesca. Weather in Milan was a bit on and off, snow and sun! but yeah, what i came to do in Milan, i really did. spent quite a lot. as usual, i said no more after that but back here in Padova, still did. quality cheap stuff though. haha. who am i kidding. i will have to stop eating to gain all the money i shopped with! oh yeah, some cultural bits, thats the castle in Milan, one of the few sites to see.
i've started this trip counter on the little post-its on my desktop and here is what's on it as of now...
Countries: 4 ( Italy, Belgium, France, Spain)
Cities: Padova, Venice, Verona, Vicenza, Alta Villa, Modena, Ferrara, Alto Adige, Milan, Rome, Brussels, Lille, Paris, Madrid, Toledo, Segovia
and also an upcoming trip post-it...
Flights to: Stockholm, Sicily, Frankfurt, Brussels
Trains to: Amsterdam, Brussels, Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp
i still havent planned when i will go back to Madrid to get stuff i left behind and Paris, just to see it again in better lighting.

anyway, as for new experiences, the main thing on the top of my list is still learning how to snowboard. so much easier than skiing for me. i think i still have one more trip to the mountains to snowboard! until the summer sun melts all the snow that is.

the weather has been rainy here in italy but it's not too cold anymore. i have been itching to wear shorts already not to mention going commandos. :D hopefully, the sicily trip will give us a good dose of the sun and sea. i also checked the weather for stockholm, and snow snow snow everywhere. shit.
goes and wanders
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