so i've been bumming it...
not totally but in contrast to my past few adventures, i have been bumming it.
i have just been in italy for 2 months already. or even more.
let's see. in terms of new cities i've set foot on, i have added Trieste, Florence and Siena. I have also been to the beach quite a few times. Jesolo and Chioggia. and also a pool here in Padova. the heat is just amazing. i dont remember philippines to be this hot. this year, as everyone says, has been the weirdest summer and winter...i can just hear global warming protesters agreeing with me on this one
i probably will be seeing more of italy as i just found out this morning i can't leave for Munich with Philipp next week as i dont have my permit yet! one month they say but its been 50 days already! great. blame it on the summer. they said cos its summer, work has been pushed back. ugh. bureaucracy really just makes everything worse. Italian bureacracy specifically! i've managed to walk out offices, raise my voice, slam doors, etc. my patience has been tested far too many times here in italy.
anyway, Genova/Cinque Terre is one place i'd really want to go to! its a bit pricey to take the train but theres no way i can take the plane. hitchhike probably, but its just too hot to just wait by the side of the road. also, i have found sites that are most probably a hit and miss but i've been lucky with serious travellers...its like the german car sharing thing but not only german. hehe. there's and first one is more flexible and covers more countries...the taxistop is the one which is based in belgium but a lot of travellers are using it so there is a chance to hitch a ride anyway...i was supposed to hitch a ride from bologna to ancona then take the ferry to greece but had to back out because of my permit...

Padova is dying slowly. the town is already emptying to nothing. all the students are running back home to their mummies and daddies because their backs are all wet with sweat and they need to be given a bath. its sad. only a few of us erasmus students are left here and in a week, they will be leaving me here! all alone. bah.
this post is just pathetic. all ranting and negativity! don't worry. ill be travelling soon! youre going to see more of italy. blech..
goes and wanders