i've seen the movie a number of times already(though not as much as the beach.)
and it is a moving tale. a lot of travelers i have met love this movie and couchsurfers has this in their favorite movie list in their profile too. it is one of those things that can be associated to them who lead their lives on the road(much like the beach too!:)).
executed in film from a book by Jon Krakauer.
emile hirsch did a good job playing Christopher Johnson McCandless aka Alexander Supertramp. even kristen stewart shone here. it is, after all, her pre-Twilight days.
before i digress further into rating and giving this movie my number of stars, i'll stop and move on to the book.

there really is magic in words. the book is so much more engaging. and with books i really like, it's not a pageturner effect that i get. i'd rather not end it too soon and so i delay finishing it so the words can sink in. i find myself editing the movie in my head, making my own revisions accordingly. i must admit how there is danger in this book though. he ran such a different world. he was more into the ideals and forgot to be realistic. but he still had a lot to be admired about him. if he lived with 20% realism and 80% idealism, he probably would've continued on to be a great man but who am i to talk right. im just another reader who can relate to the story.

here are some lines from the book im refusing to finish so soon:
'Malnutrition and the road have taken their toll on his body. Over 25 pounds lost. But his spirit is SOARING.'
'I'm going to have to be real careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect.'
'Kind of like a statement, to let us know we didn't own him, I guess.'
'I now walk into the wild.' Alexander Supertramp
so, i'll probably have a few more posts about this book since i'm not even halfway to finishing it. and also because i can't satisfy my own itchy feet because i still do have a high percentage of that realism i was talking about. oh and because the agency wanted to keep me longer too. let's hope i save up for my bday! :)
goes and wanders