the beginning of the trip probably set the tone of the trip though. good thing it didn't ruin it. the day i had to fly out, i had to run my way to the train station for me not to miss my train to Bologna. i even had no time to buy a ticket. good thing i had a spare 30km ticket which i got from the couple i met during my trip to Stockholm. the30 km was not sufficient until Bologna. but i was lucky that they checked only once and it was before the 30km mark.
Bologna to Bratislava, Slovakia
Bratislava was just really boring. the only thing i think it has it going for it is that its cheap. then again, i was there for only half a day. my bus ride from the airport through the town to the train station was enough for me to decide that i wanted that train to Budapest as soon as possible. the underdevelopment of the city plus the rude people i en
countered did not help with the image. but as i always say, it is only my account. i may just have been unlucky. i also had the movie, Hostel, in my head. a lot of shady looking people were walking around. even the meat i had on my sandwich i had to doubt. paranoia. haha. i was just scaring myself.
Bratislava to Budapest, Hungary
the train ride was cool. the carriage itself was very beautiful and clean. took a little longer than i expected but it was really no hassle. i had only two nights in Budapest but i had two hosts. i guess it wasn't enough to get to know my hosts with that amount of time. they were both very nice though.
Budapest to Vienna, Austria
Vienna to Prague, Czech Republic
another thing i learned is to have a ready excuse for ticket inspectors when they suddenly get off their lazy asses and hassle tons of passengers who travel black! or be ready to pay the fine. needless to say, i got fined here in prague. 30 effin euros! and honestly, i really didn't care much in buying a ticket before that but for that specific one, i thought i should but heard the train coming and thought it might be the last trip and decided to make a run for it instead of buying a ticket! and boom, fined! i begged and pretended i dropped it but the checker was ruthless. oh well. the next day, i bought my ticket for the 24 hours i had left in prague and lo and behold, no one checked me when i had it.
Prague to Berlin, Germany
Jewish Memorial
TV tower in Alexanderplatz
the train was 5 hours late that the next scheduled train to Berlin came before the one i was planning to take. lost a few hours because of that. but its okay. i had 6 days of Berlin ahead of me anyway. But no. For Berlin, it's not enough. Berlin is already my second best city. First of course is my beloved, Stockholm. There's no particular thing about it but the vibe of the place itself just won me over. It's the 'new' New York. the place was so artsy with all the young people who breathed of style and artistic energies. the only thing is that there constantly were not so friendly Germans but i guess they were mostly the older generation ones. for this one, i'm not alone in this observation. no matter what though, i love the city nonetheless.
though New York is New York.
it was pretty easy to get to Schonefeld Airport in Berlin. it just took so long when i arrived in Milan when i had to wait 6 hours for my train back to Padova. i met two of the Harlem Globetrotters though plus their manager. though, it wasnt really much of a big deal since i'm really no fan.
i feel bad for the other cities i still haven't written about here! need to get off this laaazyy phase.
just heard of some people who have been on this blog. sorry for the mess! buuuut it'd be cool if you can comment! hehe.
til next time! im still glad i did not book any trips for the end of april because the Icelandic Volcano eruption is just stressing the travellers! the plane riders have now opted to be train riders and have booked so many of these trains out (Eyjafjallajokull is the name of the volcano, say it with me now...)
Couchsurfing for the win! yet again! i was so sure i was going to be paying a lot for hostels during this trip but no! for budapest, someone answered my emergency request. before leaving for vienna, i left an emergency request for Prague and got an answer once i arrived in vienna. and in Prague, sent an emergency request as well for Berlin and got a reply instantly! the site really is a big help. it restores my faith in humanity. to some extent. haha.
goes and wanders