look at this fool....drinking too much free wine in Venice and making the city corners his own personal bathroom...not to mention puking in the train on his way back to Padova
after 2 months, there are still those moments where i step back from what's happening and i look around, hear the sounds, feel the different gusts of the wind and all those other stuff that remind me i am in a different place. these moments are so surreal for me. lately, i have been hanging out with the most diverse crowd...
Friday, Modena with Miriam and Owen to see the town and taste some old Balsamic Vinegar Sunday, i went to Verona with the Erasmus people, my bike got stolen!!!! i knew it was too beautiful and new for those thieves to resist Monday, bought my 'new' bike, (now i feel like an old lady biking around the city!) then had dinner with Virginie at my place then went to the tandem night where i taught some English girls how to count and say their name in tagalog, Tuesday, dinner at Gert-Jan's, we were 20+ people and the food was international as well as the company, Wednesday, dinner at the Mensa with the other erasmus and then drinks at Dennis'. after we headed to Metropolis to watch some jazzband trick it out... Thursday, the afternoon i went to buy gloves in H&M in the nearby mall and then had a german dinner at Isabel's Friday, did not wake up for the 10am meeting to go to Venice so i followed Isabel, Jurg, Owen, Marius and Nile an hour later..went to see the Biennale, an amazing Art Exhibit from all over the world, it's a shame the Philippines had no exhibition...then Bacarata with the erasmus, free wine and pizza! got too DRUNK...can't even remember all the people i met last night plus i puked in the train...indeed, i left my mark, not a very good one...
Today, i plan to go to Vicenza for the Chocolate festival...i'll be sleeping over Vanessa's place and then she's going to show me around tomorrow! this week has been so busy. too busy. i need to take a day off from all these things...
oh yeah, i've also been going to class of course...ive never missed one! slowly but surely, i will be getting what they've been talking about in class.
tomorrow night, another erasmus party is lined up...the traffic light party. come in green if you're single, red if you're not and yellow just so you have a reason to reject the ones you don't like...i'm wearing black. just because i have the excuse of saying i'm colorblind.:D
i haven't found the time to write recently although i am always online. not so much has happened in terms of traveling, ive been busy with school and erasmus get-togethers. recap...
school has been blaaaah. been three weeks since i started and thankfully, i think somehow, my comprehension is getting quite better. the first week was just like polsci classes all over again but this time even the language i couldnt understand. my professors are quite helpful though.
ive replaced H.Gladys but in memory of her, i will call my new one Glahdys, parang pinoy lang, parating may nawawalang H. She is now with a friend from Mauritius. She was just always flat and fixing her meant 20 euros and for that i can buy a new bike and a new lock! which i did. got my new one for 16 euros.
Erasmus, its pretty cool how its arranged here. Europeans and now, also people who arent europeans are able to study elsewhere other than their own university. but somehow, its becoming more of a reason to party abroad. oh well, when in Rome. (another city i have to get to soon) last night was the welcome party and i got home around 5am. wew. i feel so cool. in fact, i feel SOM mall cool.
the weather has changed so much in a span of one week. it has dropped 10 degrees! its 12 degrees celsius max and 4 degrees minimum as predicted for today! its getting harder to bike around in this weather.